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Participant Information Sheet

The Menopause Cafe Experience

It is likely you are on this page as you are interested in taking part in our research in collaboration with Thee Menopause Cafe.  Please take time to read the below


1. Study title and Researcher Details

  • University: University of Glasgow

  • School or subject area involved: College of Social Sciences

  • Project title: The Menopause Café Experience


Details of survey

2. Invitation to take part in this survey

You are being invited to take part in a research online survey. Before you decide to participate, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Feel free to email the research team on the email below if you have any questions, if something is not clear, or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to take part.


3. What is the purpose of the survey?

This online survey aims to identity the experience of hosts and participants who attend Menopause Café events.

While women, and people who menstruate make up over half of the global population, there is a lack of evidence around how support groups or social spaces, such as Menopause Cafes, can benefit their health and wellbeing.


Collecting this evidence is important in ensure services are as beneficial and inclusive as possible, as well as helping volunteer groups and charities supporting menopause to show their value to funders or other stakeholders.


This survey seeks to gain an insight into how participants and hosts experience menopause cafes, and how their insights may help to ensure the ongoing success of menopause cafes to provide vital support to people going through menopause, notably around positively impacting their health and wellbeing.

Further Information on participating

4. Why have I been chosen?

You have been chosen to take part in this study as you have in the past, or plan to attend a menopause café associated with The Menopause Café charity ( As noted on the survey, you should be over the age of 18 to complete the survey.  


5. Do I have to take part?

Participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you are free to stop completing the survey at any time.

After you have completed and submitted your survey you can withdraw your responses until the 25th April, 2025.

You may have been made aware of the opportunity to take part by a third person, such as the host of your menopause cafe. They will not know whether you have participated in the survey. Not taking part in this study will not impact your ability to attend menopause café events.


6. What will happen to me if I take part?

You will complete a survey that consists of ‘tick box’ answers, and some sections where we ask you to write about your personal experiences.  You do not have to complete any questions you do not feel comfortable answering.


The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete.


At the end, you will be asked if you would like to be contacted in the future about taking part in a one-to-one online interview lasting approximately one hour with a member of the research team. If you agree, you will be asked to put down your email address so that a member of the research team may contact you. This email address will not be connected to your data and stored separately to your answers.


7. Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

All information which is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. Your responses will be identified by an ID number so that you cannot be recognised.

You will be asked for your month and year of birth. You will also be asked at the end for a special word only you would know.  This will ensure that we can identify you and your data should you wish to withdraw your answers before the 25th April, 2025.


8. What will happen to the results of the research study?

The anonymised research data and analysis will be used to complete and publicly available and free report about ‘what works’ in positively supporting the health and wellbeing of menopause café hosts and attendees. This will be available on The Menopase Café website no later than June 2025. Findings will be used to support the ongoing success of menopause cafes and provide insights into participants experiences that will help The Menopause Café to continue their pioneering work. The findings may also be used in research reports, presentation and other outputs.



10. Who has reviewed the study?

This study has been reviewed by the College of Social Sciences College Research Ethics Committee at the University of Glasgow.


If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact the Hannah Haille, who is a member of the research team on If you have any concerns regarding the conduct of the research survey you can contact Professor Kathleen Riach at or the College ethics Lead, College of Social Sciences (


Menopause Information Pack for Organizations (MIPO) is a research-based, free, open access suite of resources to help workplaces support menopausal transition.



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