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Experiences of Menstrual Health and Menopause at Work: A National Survey

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Are you a woman, or person who menstruates, and work for NHS Scotland?


If so, we would love to hear  your experiences and thoughts about menstrual health or menopause and work


click here to take part in the survey


This survey is led by the University of Glasgow in collaboration with the Scottish Government and The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland and seeks to explore the experiences of women and people who menstruate and work for NHS Scotland.  It is approved by the University of Glasgow’s Ethics committee.


We invite all women or people who menstruate and work for NHS Scotland to complete the survey. All participation is completely voluntary and confidential. The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete and you can choose to answer questions on your experience of menstrual health or menopause at work. The survey will run from the 18th October until the 15h November, 2022.


The online survey can be filled in either on a computer or on a smartphone by going to , or, or clicking here


If you would like to paper survey, you can text or Whatsapp 07507863828 or email, along with your name, home address and indicating you would like to answer questions on the menopause OR menstrual Health.  You will then receive a paper survey along with a stamped addressed envelope for its return in the post. Please note it may take up to a week to reach you due to postal strikes.


Should you have any further questions, please contact the lead research, Professor Kathleen Riach on



    Principal investigator: Professor Kathleen Riach

    University of Glasgow

    +44 141 330 4064

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    Menopause Information Pack for Organizations (MIPO) is a research-based, free, open access suite of resources to help workplaces support menopausal transition.



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