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 Project Title: MIPO: Developing Best Practice Menopause Support at Work


Chief Investigator: Professor Kathleen Riach
Department of Management, Monash University
Phone: 03 9903 2998      Email:


Thank you for taking an interest in feeding back your thoughts and comments about MIPO. As part of an ongoing research project to explore how best to support menopause in the workplace, we would love to use your feedback to inform the continual development of best practice knowledge.

Please read this Explanatory Statement in full before deciding whether or not to provide us with feedback. If you would like further information regarding any aspect of this project, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Investigator, Kathleen Riach, using the above contact details.


What is the study about?


MIPO is a free online toolkit that has been developed by a team of researchers based at Monash and Melbourne Universities.  It aims to provide a range of resources to help line managers, supervisors and other managers and executives across the organization embed menopause support into their existing policies and practices.

This study is focussed on exploring its reception and effectiveness and how it might be improved through undertaking introductory workshops and interviews with key stakeholder in your organization (mainly line managers, supervisors and Human Resource specialists).


To gather as much feedback as possible, we are inviting visitors to the site to fill out a short survey about their initial impressions about MIPO.


Consenting to participate in the project

Participation in this study is voluntary. By filling out the survey, we assume you are consenting to being part of this ongoing research project about supporting menopause in the workplace.


Confidentiality and storage of data

The survey data will  remain anonymised (not related to specific IP addresses). When downloaded, this data will be stored on the password-protected work computers of the research team.

Anonymised data from the feedback surveys will be used to develop future versions of MIPO, as well as reports, academic journal articles and other publications and presentations. You or any organization you are associated with will not be identifiable in any academic documents produced or published from this research. The data may also be used by the research team in future research projects, publications and talks.

All data from this study will be retained for a minimum of 5 years in a secure form, after which it may be destroyed following review by the research team.



We will continue to update the MIPO website with details of how feedback has informed and improved MIPO.



Should you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of the project, you are welcome to contact the Executive Officer, Monash University Human Research Ethics (MUHREC):

Executive Officer,  Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee  

Tel: +61 3 9905 2052            Email:        Fax: +61 3 9905 3831

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